Wednesday 8 December 2010

Sketchbook Drawings - Inspired by Music

These are the results of what I see or feel in my mind when I listened to the song which inspired me to draw them. I'll let you think what songs they were...unless you really want to know, and in that case I will spill the beans. :)

Sketchbook Drawings - Film Characters/Creatures

Drawings of my favourite film characters and creatures (well, dinosaur). As you can see, I have a clear taste of what films I like. 

Sketchbook Drawings - Surreal

Basically, I took items around my room and made them surreal. Including what my old radio would look like if it were alive (pretty evil, due to the fact I was given it around 6 - 7 years ago and have never used it - has just been shoved in a drawer all these years) and a ninja I-Pod (because the headphones look like a weapon they might yield). Found this very fun indeed.

Monkey Walk

Before the walk I made of myself in Maya, this was the first project I did which involved animating a walk. I actually picked it up very quickly. It was quite difficult in some ways though, because his arms are very long while his legs are short, and animating short legs effectively is no easy task. But hopefully you'll see that it's a convincing walk.


These are just a selected few photos from my storyboard project. We were given a task of reading one of three given scripts and turning it into a storyboard, and I chose one about Pirates (unfortunately at the moment I can't for the life of me remember exactly what it was). I've had experience of making storyboards before, so this wasn't new to me. The same goes for scripts and script writing.


This is one of the backgrounds I created for my one project. It had to be an interior shot with some sort of light source. Because it had to be something from my pirate storyboard, I went for the captains cabin room, and opted for a candle as a light source. This was the first time I had ever used watercolours, so I do need practice with them. But overall I am pleased with the result.

2D and 3D walk of myself

I recorded a walk of myself walking from one side to the other (just my ordinary walk) and had to replicate it in both 2D and 3D. I am actually very pleased with both of them, especially the 2D version. It turned out much better than I imagined. What I find funny in a way is that although it is far more complex than the first walk animation I made, in my opinion it is far more better. But I did learn alot from my first, and the mistakes I made that time were not made for this one. The 3D, on the other hand, I found a little simpler, but unfortunately I couldn't put much time into it as I had other projects to complete, so it is not how I would have liked it. Overall not very happy with it, so I will be having another attempt at it in the future.