Sunday 23 January 2011

Life Drawing 6

These are from three different life drawing sessions, one of being just quick one to two minute poses and the others around fifteen each. I experimented with a different chalk/charcoal just to see how my drawings came out.

Monday 10 January 2011

Back for a new term!

Hello again! Has been a while right? Sorry about that, I had no computer over the holidays and now finally I have bought one! I resorted to mostly laziness of gaming and movie watching, which is always fun! Funnily enough, I played Fable 3 (which was one of the games showcased at Bradford Animation Festival) and I felt I knew the game more because of that, and because I saw how it was made with animation. And when I saw one of the animated fighting sequences I was like "YEAH, I SAW HOW THEY MADE THAT!" Was a very good game overall.

Well, todays the day I start my new term at University! Would like to look back and say I very much enjoyed what I have done so far, but I still need to learn and will need to improve on things! Just looked at the new timetable and there is a 3D Modeling/Environments lesson now up on there! This has really got me excited as 3D modelling is what I want to do!

Anyways, now that I'm back I can start blogging again! So look out for more posts! And if you can please comment or message me. I'd really like to know how I am doing. Thanks!