Friday 27 May 2011

Logo Design Ideas/ Concept Drawings

This isn't my work, but Andrew Skelton's (who is a member of our group working on this assignment). The drawings just give you a rough idea on how the finished title sequence will look, and what we're aiming for. As in a way this was our own take on The Hobbit, we decided and thought it would be best if we came up with our own font and logo. Andrew made some brilliant designs, and while we haven't fully decided which one to go for, we like the idea of Smaug (the dragon) wrapped around the 'O'. But then we went further and thought how great it would be if he was animated, so his wings go from a flight to folded position, and his tail swings and wraps around the 'O'.

Did the filming!

Went off to do our filming on Wednesday :) Took a train up to a place called Luxulyan Valley, near Par. Great location, full of trees and foilage, and away from any roads or settlements - just what we needed. Spent most of the day there, just taking everything in and shooting as much footage as we could - pretending we were hobbits by keeping the camera low at all times. Got some great panning scenery shots too! All in all, a very productive day. Came back with what we wanted, played around with the footage a bit in After Effects, and next week is when we go into post production! :) Well on our way.

Tuesday 17 May 2011

Back for a new term! :D

Wow sorry this post is so late! Really should have done this earlier haha :D

Anyways, this terms project is to create a title sequence based on one of the five briefs we were given. This is a group project, and we decided to choose the brief which needed to us to select a radio show, imagine it's being created for film or television, and make a title sequence for it. In the end we chose the 1968 BBC Radio adaption of The Hobbit, as we came up with a great idea as to what to do.

We had to pitch our ideas to Richard Morrison, who if you're unware of him, has worked on many title sequences including those for Sweeney Todd and Enemy at the Gates. Seemed like a great guy and gave us some really great feedback. We took a lot from our presentation to him.

So basically, our idea is to find a wooded/forest location and film footage as if we are a hobbit, so keeping the camera at a low height and just explore the woods and walk around the trees and scamper around the foilage. The title sequence is going to be as if your looking through the eyes of a hobbit (first person) as we want to show the audience what the world is like and how much bigger it seems to a hobbit. There will be some sort of narrative, but I don't want to reveal that just yet :) Let's just say it's going to have a bit of journey from one thing to another, and we're going to use the camera to set the mood and feelings of the hobbit. We're set to film sometime this week, and then next week in post production we're going to edit together the footage and play around with it, adding effects and the credits. We'll most likely colour grade it as well, to give it more of a fantasy look. We have the music sorted, and it pretty much the typical style you find in fantasy films, so it goes really well!

Anyways, many apologies for such a long awaited post! Will update as much as possible on how we're progressing :)