Monday 13 June 2011

Our Title Sequence

 The music was created by David Arkenstone. The song is called 'The Quest'. So all credit goes to him.

Overall, fairly pleased with it. I know there isn't any actual animation in it but Richard Morrison wanted us to use live action footage, and we didn't want to be too complicated or add anything unneccessary. We were going to have an animation of Smaug's eye at the very end in a shot of a cave, and we did go ahead and create that. But once we added it in it just didn't look right, and was too cartoony for our liking. And unfortunately there wasn't really enough time to make a better version. With the titles we didn't want to animate them or go over the top, just simple fade in/fade out. Pleased with how we got it to fit with the music, I think that works well. And he use of the black screen helps to build tension I think. So, all in all, I think it works quite well as a title sequence. It isn't as good as I wanted it to have been, but I enjoyed working as a group and felt I came away from this with knowledge.

Example Of A Title

Just an example of one of the titles we used. I wanted a hand-drawn, un-even textured look to them. Just a simple font, nothing too fancy or complicated, that would fit in with the theme of The Hobbit. These were made in Photoshop and saved as GIFs. In the post production stages we wanted them to stand out more so gave them a very slight drop shadow, which helped significantly.