Tuesday 11 October 2011

Back for a new year!

Summer is now over, and I'm back for my second year at uni. Really excited for what's to come! Didn't really get up to much in my 3 month or so break. Practiced on maya quite a bit, and did some drawings in my sketchbook - mostly when I was out and inspired by something I saw.

I'm into my second week now, and have been given two projects - both which excite me very much. For the one, I had to choose one of two options for a project; Pre-Production or Post-Production. This was a very easy choice. I opted for Post-Production, as this interests me a whole lot more, and includes a few sides of the industry that I'm interested in, such as editing or adding the special effects or any computer generated imagery to a film, and compositing. We've already began learning how to use Nuke, which I find a great piece of software and easy to get the hang of.

The other project we're in groups of three, which were chosen by one of our lecturers. I think this is great, to work with people you're not familiar with, as this is what it will be like in the industry. All we've been given for this is this script:

'Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, No'

Now this has to appear somewhere in the animation, whether spoken or a visual seen somewhere (such as on the side of a truck). It has to be between 60-90 seconds in length, and before Christmas we need to have an animatic completed, as well as the usual stuff like storyboard, story, designs, sound etc

I look forward to getting started on these projects as soon as I can. I'll need to sit down with my group sometime and discuss and plan what we're doing, and share any ideas. I'll post stuff as I go along, so look out for them :)