Monday 21 November 2011

Nuke Lecture

Final Coloured Mouse Concept

This is the final mouse design which Heidi has drawn.

All we really need to do now is finish the backgrounds and a couple of other things (such as character turnaround) and then we can start on the animatic and bible!

Thursday 17 November 2011

First scene test

This is the new, updated scene (of the scene shot I've uploaded before) but with camera work

Mouse Character Designs

Animation Tests

These are two animation tests Heidi has done. She has done more but unfortunately she damaged the USB socket on her external hard drive, so she's unable to get them off for the time being. Hopefully she can!

Anyway, here's what she's done:

Background - Scene 1

This is the background for the starting scene in Project Cheese, which Brian has made. It's a downwards pan from the night sky, which reveals the building's silhouette, and then continues down to reveal the gates. The final resting position of the shot has the gates overlapping the museum, but because of the fake parallax from panning we will be able to see the museum in full view before the gate pans into shot. Also to note, everything is on a separate layer.

NOTE: There is an updated version of this, which has clouds and bushes on the ground.

Concept Drawing - Claw

Concept drawing of the claw I did

Project Cheese

As I don't think I've really explained well enough regarding Project Cheese, I feel I should now.

Basically, so far you should hopefully know that Project Cheese is the title of our 2D animation, about a techy mouse who uses a stolen arcade claw (which he then modified) to grab a piece of cheese from above. Of course, things don't go to plan, and the cheese ends up being crushed to pieces.

This has to fit to the "Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, No" task (of only using or saying those words - nothing else) and I think it does really well. It's not forced into the story, and we can easily make do without any other words. In fact, we don't actually need anything else said!

So far we're on track I think, we've done what needs to have been done, and have a 3 to 4 weeks left to basically get an animatic finished, as well as some other bits and bobs. As you may know, our groups were picked for us, so the people we were given to work with we shouldn't really know too well. I'm very happy to be in the group I am now, we get on very well and all put in a fair share of work. I do enjoy working in groups!

The two other people in my group are Heidi and Brian. Heidi has become the director for our film, and she's doing the drawing and animation for Project Cheese. She's really good at animating and drawing anyway so it was great to have her in my group. Brian specialises more on the tech side, and he's also a very useful person to have in the group. He's been making the 2D backgrounds and is still currently in the process of finishing them, as well as organising the sound and other things here and there. I myself am the producer for Project Cheese, and have been doing the storyboarding and script writing, as well as most of the organising making sure my group are within the deadlines we set. I've also done a couple concept drawings.

Anyway, I shall upload work my group have done onto my blog for you all to see, crediting them where due fit.

Script for 'Project Cheese'

Here is the finalized script. I actually really enjoyed doing this, I've done script writing in the past so it isn't really new to me. I've always found, even being an animator, that I'm good at putting pen to paper, and writing things. This was done in word, and to any script writers out there who may read this, I'm sure you'll find some faults with lines or spacing. I may get Final Draft 8 actually, and then copy this into that, as it's what the industry use after all. I must admit script writing is something I could get into more, but I know I could probably do with more practice.

Storyboard for 'Project Cheese'

This is the storyboard I've done for the 'Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, No' project. It needs tweaking slightly at the end, and if you read the script which I've done above you'll get a much better understanding of the story.

Some of the shots are in order, as they were added in late on, so I've numbered them to make it easier to understand. Also, I'm aware that shot 6 shouldn't be like it is, but looking the other way like the shot before it. Otherwise you might get the impression there are two mice, not one. 


Just thought I'd show my love for this game. Absolutely amazing. Bethesda are definitely one of my favourite game developers, and The Elder Scrolls is one of, if not my favourite, game series. The trailer is awesome, and the dragon. Oh the dragon! Anything to do with dragons I just go nuts haha. Love 'em! The CGI is really good though, and the sound they make is epic. But yeah, watch this if you haven't already! Damn I hate this time of year, too many games come out but I have uni work to do! :( I'm so gaming my butt off over christmas, inbetween learning to get better at software of course, such as Nuke, Maya and ToonBoom!

Thursday 3 November 2011

"Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, No" Project - A.K.A 'Project Cheese'

I think it's about time I actually started posting more stuff on this project!

Basically, the plot is about a techy mouse who modifies a stolen claw, to then use to grab some cheese from above, which is encased in glass (apart from the top)

We're nearly into week 5 of this project, which is halfway through, and so far we as a group have done the research, character designs, storyboard, rough animatic, animation tests of the character, and background designs/tests (I will upload everything we have done on a later date). And we're midway through finishing the final concept designs. After that we will start planning the sound and begin making a bible.

Here is a timetable which we use