Sunday 29 April 2012

Just an update on what's happening (and why this is such a belated post)

Wow I really haven't posted anything in a long time! I literally had a month off during the summer. Visited London, which I've never been before. So that was exciting. Went to practically every tourist location there is. And I spend a fortune! But it was fun. After that it's just been work, work, work. Recently handed in my second lot of literature reviews and a game analysis towards my dissertation, so that's all done now. I actually quite enjoyed it! Just got a few film and animation projects going. Hopefully get 'Project Cheese' completed soon, it's nearly there! Then got a couple more to do. One is a 2 minute silent film and the other is a piece of animated and live-action footage showcasing a product (for us it's a bike) from a London based company called Red or Dead. We pitched to them a few days ago and they liked our idea, so now we can go ahead and get started on it.

Soo yeah, a busy but exciting few weeks! I'll try to check in when I can but there is a chance I won't haha.