Thursday 17 January 2013

Pitch to Music Students

Today we pitched to a group of music students, in the hope of finding someone to compose a piece of music and create sound effects for Candy Island. The pitch went really well, it was quite similar to the one we did back in November to the judges (except less nerve-wracking!). We basically showed some character and background concepts, explained the film and the story, and then played the animatic. Afterwards we went through what we wanted sound-wise, which is that we want some ukulele/guitar string music for most of the film that's quite upbeat and chirpy, and then get quite fast and high-tempo when the marshmallows attack - a quick shift in style to get across there is danger. There are also a few sound effects and recordings which we want which we can't create or get ourselves, such as a sound of a choir (the typical 'wow' reveal) and a vinyl disc scratch.

When we showed the animatic, surprisingly (and more importantly, crucically) we received quite a few laughs, which was great! Even I kept laughing throughout, which is strange considering I've watched the thing millions of times - I guess watching it on the big screen infront of people makes a difference. What was even more great was that we seemed to garner some interest from a couple of the music students, as we were asked a few questions and they seemed to like it. So hopefully, fingers crossed, we can get someone or some people on board to create some music and the sound effects!

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