Tuesday 22 February 2011

Maya Lighting

Experimenting with lighting and shadows in Maya. Found this very fun, and possibly a route I could venture towards. I learned and am now familiar with the different types of lighting, including spot lights, ambient lights and directional lights. Before this I was already aware of things like materials such as Blinn and Lambert. I also practised with the penumbras and drop offs with shadows, which determines how hard or soft you want the shadows to be .

There are two types of shadow in CGI
 - Shadow maps (very fast, more of a projection than a shadow, complicated)
 - Raytraced shadows (mental ray, easy, high render times)

The two images above just show how lighting affects the different materials assigned to the four objects. I am aware that there isn't any shadows (which I'm unsure why, because they should be there; will check back with that later!) bounce light or transparent shadows, unfortunately I just didn't have the time to include them. But overall, I very much look forward to more lighting in the future...very fun! :)

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