Friday 18 March 2011

Concept Art

These needed to have a Gulliver/Lilliputian theme, where characters or objects are out of proportian with other things around them. Pretty happy with them!

Finished 3D Environment

Here is my completed kitchen! I must say I am pretty happy with it! Definitely my favourite assignment to date, and can't wait to do more modelling!

Saturday 12 March 2011

Flash Project Research

All these photographs are taken by me. Wanted to find some inspiration for my animation, and to help me create it. So went out with a camera and took LOTS of pictures (these shown are only a few of what I captured haha...may have got a little carried away!). Sorry for uploading them so late, just been pre-occupied with other stuff! :)

Thursday 10 March 2011

Maya Modelling Continued

Just carrying on with the kitchen in maya. Given some of the objects colours and my textures. Still have a way to go but as always just wanted to show how I'm progressing :)


Here I have added a few more of my textures, and have inserted some lighting. Still a few more things I need to texture/colour such as the blinds and washing machine, and sort out the texture on the rug. There's also shadows to contend with and I'll need to adjust the lighting a lot more, but overall it is getting there! :) I am really enjoying this project! Definitely something I want to do more as, and CGI modelling has always been my thing ever since I was little!

Tuesday 8 March 2011

Maya Modelling Continued

Been working more on my kitchen in Maya. Haven't got much left to do before I can start on textures and lighting. Just need to finish the washing machine and bin, and make the items on the surface :)

Wednesday 2 March 2011

Flash Project Animatic

My animatic for my Flash project. This isn't exactly how I would have wanted, and as you'll read below, I came across a few problems and didn't have the time to rectify them. As you can see I have done the camera shots, a few expressions with the eyes and eyebrows, wing movement and added the dialogue. I would have liked to have added more movement and some different lip synching just to more clearly show what I'm going for, but you'll see this in my animation. The dialogue is me reading from a rough script I wrote. I may make one or two changes but overall that is what will be said in my animation. Obviously for the animation I will have proper voice acting and not me talking in a cheap mic with bad quality haha. I intended from the start to make my animation funny, and hopefully you find it raises one or two slight laughs! I have a stupidly funny sense of humour, so it may just be me who finds it amusing though! There are many animations which are very simple, but what makes them is the story and how it's all put together. And that is the path I am heading towards. :)

I had a few problems with my animatic :( I don't know, maybe I've just over done it lately and made myself overly tired or something, I don't know. Yesterday I literally worked 12 straight hours on projects and stuff so maybe that's it. But I just can't seem to get it to work properly, and I need to hand it in by tonight.

The general jist is that the shots shown in the animatic will be in my final animation, and there will be lip synching and reactions (such as when the one character says "ewwwwwwwwwwwww") using different eye and eyebrow symbols. I will be using camera movement as well, in the beginning (it will focus on the character to the right and zoom out to the whole screen) and at the end (where it will zoom in on them and sort of pass them to focus on the buildings in the backgrounds). There won't be that much body movement with the characters, with mostly just them moving their wings. Most of the time their eyes will be focused on each other, but at the start the character to the right will be looking down. I hope to make up the lack of movement with the animation of the eyes. I also plan to have the clouds slowly move across the sky, just to add that extra detail. And regarding the sound, I will use the same script but with better voice acting and quality, and by further adding background noise (by going into town and recording birds and the wind and passers by, etc)

Flash Project Pre-Production 3

This is my finished background and two characters. Pretty much all ready to animate, but I have to start on the animatic, storyboard and touch up and finalize my script first. You've probably noticed that my background is different to the one that I intented to use at the beginning. I pretty much just had a change of heart. I felt the original background was boring and didn't have much going on, and I really wanted some simple foilage and the chance to add some blur effects, which I wouldn't have been able to with the old one. Hopefully you agree that this new background is much better and more effective. As there only going to be three shots in total (the one shown and the other two close ups of the characters) I feel this background will complement that also. By this I mean with my old design, the close up shot would just have in my opinion a boring background of roof tiles. And this would be the same for both characters. While for this background, the backgrounds for the close ups will be different for both characters, and also I can still have the clouds animated. Anyways, I hope you like! :D


Changed the colour of the tree trunk and gave it a linear fill style. Thought it would improve it slightly.


Here are my other two close up shots :)

Flash Project Pre-Production 2

I'm now starting on my animatic, and so far have began making one of my pigeon characters. I thought the easiest way to do this was to import a saved PNG of the early design of the character, so then I could trace over the top of it on a new layer in Flash. Just thought I'd show you what I'm doing so far! :)

Here I have just finished creating the parts of this character, and have now coloured and symbolized them. All simple stuff, but I want to show my processes anyway.

And here are my now two completed characters, both all symbolized and each symbol on their own layer.

These are revised versions of my two characters. I've changed the colours to have a linear colour look, as pigeons have different shades of greys and whites on their feathers, so I thought it would suit them well.

If possible, please can I have some feedback on which of the two colour variations I should go with. :)