Monday 21 May 2012

Project Cheese (Finished Animation)

Well here it is, my finished animation for the Yes, Yes, No assignment - Project Cheese. As you may already know, it was a group project consisting of me, Heidi Orford and Brian Williams. We each had 3 major roles and one worked after the other, so I think we had a really good set-up and in the end it worked out very well as we handed it in before the deadline set. Heidi was the main animator and animated the mouse and claw. I cleaned up any animations she gave to me and then coloured them in frame by frame - and then finally rendered them out. And Brian edited everything together and also created all the backgrounds.

Overall I'm pleased with how it looks. I think it may need some music and a little more sound effects, but I think for a 60-90 second piece of animation, which can have no dialogue apart from 'yes' and 'no', it works quite well. I'm pleased with the character and actually I could see him being used again in another story where he's trying to steal the cheese, this time using another created contraption maybe.

Saturday 19 May 2012

Final Cinematography Project

I've been trying to upload this for the past 3 days but have had no luck, so I've converted it to a lower quality format which explains why it isn't very good quality and a little juddery.

This is my finished film for the cinematography assignment that was due in yesterday. Me and my group had some really great feedback, but there are a few changes we need to make. The most important is the sound. We did want it to be a silent film, but we were told to add sound in places such as when the officer fires his gun or the sound of tearing flesh at the end. Some shots also need to be cut down as well, again with the second to last shot which goes on for a little too long, and when he finishes looking through the telescope.

Overall I'm quite pleased with this. I really like the black and white look to it, and we certainly put a lot of effort into this - whilst trying to complete 2 other projects at the same time.

Friday 18 May 2012

Quick Note

I will upload the finished animations for both Yes, Yes, No and Red or Dead when they are given to me by my directors :)

Red or Dead Backgrounds/ Symbols

I didn't paint the queen but I did paint the two backgrounds. My role was main animator, but I helped with a few of the backgrounds/symbols to help Kylie and Phoebe (the two pre-production members in my group.

These 3 symbols were painted by Kylie, but I wanted to give an example as to the cut-out feel we wanted. This is the shot when the princess is shocked. We haven't included any smooth animations - everything is like the above.

Final Rendered Shot

We were unsure as to how to get an alpha channel in Flash so when we exported it and placed it in Premiere Pro, we could easily add the backgrounds. In the end though I had to render every shot with a green background so then it could be replaced with the actual backgrounds.

Tuesday 15 May 2012

Red or Dead Project

It's coming along nicely at the moment. We're getting a lot done and in the past few days we've moved on quite a lot! Currently I'm taking symbols (photoshop drawings) which are being created by two members of my group (Phoebe and Kylie) and animating them in Flash, sticking to the cut-out look that we aimed for at the beginning of the project. So there will be no smooth animation, just lots of symbols one after the other to give the cut-out effect. I'm also painting some of the symbols (including the photo below) as well as a couple of the backgrounds which I will upload at a later date. My role is pretty much Head Editor, but I am helping with the production stuff as well.

I can't remember if I've mentioned the story of this project but basically it's about a princess saving a prince from a castle (reversed roles) and then escaping from the evil queen and her frog soldiers by using bicycles. It has to showcase the Red or Dead bicycles in some shape or form, but it isn't an advert. We just had to come up with a crazy storyline (which RoD wanted) and make sure to include the bicycles.

Saturday 12 May 2012

Shot from 'Project Cheese'

This is a test shot from Project Cheese (Yes, Yes, No project). I didn't draw the animation, but I cleaned it up and coloured it. The animation itself will be in our film, but he won't be pressing the button. That is from another scene. After consulting with my director she told me that he is just moving his hands and not pressing the button. But I had included the background as a test shot because I wanted a look at how the animation came together with the background.

Friday 11 May 2012

Cinematography Project

These are screenshots from my cinematography project. We wanted to have it in black and white to fit with the era of the films setting.

Basically the story is set during World War 2 with a German Officer alone in a bunker. He spies a dead body on the beach near to his location and goes to check it out. He finds the body (who is a female gypsy) with an amulet in her hand which he takes. As he walks off the gypsy is shown to actually be alive and gets up off the floor. When he arrives back at his bunker the Officer is ambushed by zombies, and so runs back to the beach, with the undead in pursuit. He turns and fires his gun at the zombies, which proves to have no effect and he is eventually overran and killed. The final shot then shows his hand holding the amulet to the sky.

I was cast as one of the zombies in my group film project (which was really fun!). And as I am post-production, my role was to edit and put the footage we had filmed together, as well as add effects (which is yet to be done) and composite it. The effects won't be much, just some blood splatters and the like.

We filmed at Pendennis Castle as it has WW2 bunkers and artillery, which we thought would be perfect for our film. They were very happy for us to film there, and even let us go in for free!

Some of the cast and crew (with me in the middle!) after finishing the filming.