Saturday 19 May 2012

Final Cinematography Project

I've been trying to upload this for the past 3 days but have had no luck, so I've converted it to a lower quality format which explains why it isn't very good quality and a little juddery.

This is my finished film for the cinematography assignment that was due in yesterday. Me and my group had some really great feedback, but there are a few changes we need to make. The most important is the sound. We did want it to be a silent film, but we were told to add sound in places such as when the officer fires his gun or the sound of tearing flesh at the end. Some shots also need to be cut down as well, again with the second to last shot which goes on for a little too long, and when he finishes looking through the telescope.

Overall I'm quite pleased with this. I really like the black and white look to it, and we certainly put a lot of effort into this - whilst trying to complete 2 other projects at the same time.

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