Monday 21 May 2012

Project Cheese (Finished Animation)

Well here it is, my finished animation for the Yes, Yes, No assignment - Project Cheese. As you may already know, it was a group project consisting of me, Heidi Orford and Brian Williams. We each had 3 major roles and one worked after the other, so I think we had a really good set-up and in the end it worked out very well as we handed it in before the deadline set. Heidi was the main animator and animated the mouse and claw. I cleaned up any animations she gave to me and then coloured them in frame by frame - and then finally rendered them out. And Brian edited everything together and also created all the backgrounds.

Overall I'm pleased with how it looks. I think it may need some music and a little more sound effects, but I think for a 60-90 second piece of animation, which can have no dialogue apart from 'yes' and 'no', it works quite well. I'm pleased with the character and actually I could see him being used again in another story where he's trying to steal the cheese, this time using another created contraption maybe.

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