Tuesday 15 May 2012

Red or Dead Project

It's coming along nicely at the moment. We're getting a lot done and in the past few days we've moved on quite a lot! Currently I'm taking symbols (photoshop drawings) which are being created by two members of my group (Phoebe and Kylie) and animating them in Flash, sticking to the cut-out look that we aimed for at the beginning of the project. So there will be no smooth animation, just lots of symbols one after the other to give the cut-out effect. I'm also painting some of the symbols (including the photo below) as well as a couple of the backgrounds which I will upload at a later date. My role is pretty much Head Editor, but I am helping with the production stuff as well.

I can't remember if I've mentioned the story of this project but basically it's about a princess saving a prince from a castle (reversed roles) and then escaping from the evil queen and her frog soldiers by using bicycles. It has to showcase the Red or Dead bicycles in some shape or form, but it isn't an advert. We just had to come up with a crazy storyline (which RoD wanted) and make sure to include the bicycles.

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