Thursday 6 December 2012

Being a Producer

Today I've began to kickstart my role as Producer. Now that we have been greenlit we're full steam ahead now on production. Whilst we're still going about finalizing our animatic, we've already began the final backgrounds and animation for our film. Because of this I really need to step up being a Producer and help to manage our team, keep ourselves organised and make sure we stick to schedules. Tomorrow I will be creating a timetable with all of the schedules I will set for each week, and we will keep referring to this as we work as it is very important we don't fall behind work-wise. By the 25th January we need to hand in our film with at least 50% finished animation, as well as all the finished Pre-Production work, so now is definitely the time to know exactly who is doing what and getting work done before my set deadlines.

As just a quick example, I just now tided up our dropbox as it was quite frankly a mess. So now everything is all in folders and re-arranged nicely so it'll be much easier to find things. This was quite crucial, as we break up from uni tomorrow and my team will be going back home for Christmas, so working at home will make Dropbox become our main hub of sharing work. We also need to make sure that everything we upload is named correctly, such as e.g opening_background

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