Tuesday 4 December 2012

Update on today 04/12

Today was the first day back at uni after my few days of absence due to illness. I asked for a group meeting with Jayce and Jack as I felt one was really needed, mainly because I was a little confused with my exact role and what exactly was going on.

Thankfully it all went well and I am now content with everything. I had chosen to be Producer for this film, but I haven't really lived up to the role so far - which meant that all 3 of us sort of had the role. The meeting was a real kick up the butt for me, and one that was needed. I feel that even though there is only 3 of us, there still should be a person with the role of Producer. So I'm going to really knuckle down with my role, and help keep us organized so we all know what work we should be doing and when to do it for. I am going to create a timetable with what needs to be done before the hand-in just after Christmas, and we can keep referring to this to help us move along nicely.

As well as that, I am currently the background artist. By this Friday I aim to have finished thumbnails of every background, so that we know exactly what they will look like. And then next week I will create the finished versions in Illustrator. I had planned to have the backgrounds in 3D, using After Effects to create planes and have a layered 3D look, but for now we're not doing that as it will take time. As after I finish the backgrounds I'm going to be animating/inbetween animating shots. But today I was experimenting with Photoshop's vanishing point tool, which creates a 3D space in a 2D image. I'm not sure if it would work with our backgrounds though.

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