Friday 7 December 2012

Keeping Organised!

As I mentioned in the post before, it is now crucial to stay organised with my workflow and to know exactly which days I'll be doing what. This is the schedule I have made for me and my group for the next 10 weeks. It is slightly more for me though, as for example the days I have put down to work on my dissertation, Jayce and Jack won't have to do the same. Everything Candy Island related I want them to stick by, but any of the days for my dissertation they can choose to do work for Candy Island instead if they wish.

I have worked out, that by sticking exactly to this schedule, and working Monday-Friday 9-5, we have 96 hours to create a pre-vis film which must consist of at least 50% finished animation. And then in the last week before the deadline on the 25th, we have an extra 32 hours to complete any final animation, any last minute pre-production work, render the film out and then put it all onto discs. Looking at that, it isn't too bad. We certainly have enough time to do all that if we put our heads down and work hard, and it's excluding any extra hours we may have on days that I've put down for dissertation work. 

Making a schedule has really helped put everything into perspective and made it so much clearer with what we need to do and how much time we have to do so. It of course had to be made, as no team in the world can work without knowing and having a schedule. I will create a new schedule after the 10 weeks for one which will lead up to our final hand-in on the 17th May.

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