Friday 14 December 2012

House Designs and Background Thumbnails

These are my designs I made about a week ago, so that when I come to making the final backgrounds I know exactly what the buildings and their geometry will look like. The colours are just for reference when I will texture them.

House Designs

The colour for the small cake slice house will be different for each one in the village (e.g one will be pink for strawberry and another will be a soft yellow for lemon) as well as the doughnut windows and roofs. 

I also found it very hard to not add chocolate haha. Everytime I was designing a house I wanted or really needed some chocolate, either to add some colour or have something which is made out of chocolate. The closest I've come is the muffin, which is a coffee brown (but is not chocolate, just a dark sponge!)

Background Thumbnails

 A few of these thumbnails I won't be using, or will be using in a different shot (such as the one of the campfire, which is no longer in our film). And there are a few of the same backgrounds which I have tried with different angles. There are also a couple that are missing, which I will do once the animatic is completed so I can use it as reference so I know what background to have (this refers to the new shots we are adding).

The last picture is an overhead view of the entire village, which is really helpful in knowing where everything is and what house(s) would be in a particular background. I've also added where Ande and Mozbie walk in the village during the film. 

I have also created a 3D model of the village, which I made on a bus journey back home a week ago, again to help with camera angles and to get a better feel of the village and where everything is located. I will upload this soon.


And here is the village in 3D. Please be aware it is very rough, with very basic polygons used.


I just this minute realised I forgot to add the fencing around the one small cake slice house (I'm referring to the house in the third image near the middle, facing inwards at an angle) 

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