Tuesday 4 December 2012

Update on what's happened recently

Unfortunately for the last 5 or so days I've been really ill with some sort of sickness bug, which prevented me from doing much work - this included going into Uni. So that's why I have been very quiet with my blogging, but yeah I'm better now and back on the work train :)

So, last Thursday my animatic for Candy Island was shown to Luis Cook, which was so he could help us with any feedback he had an give his thoughts and impressions. He really liked our animatic, and understood our characters Ande and Mozbie. But he felt the pace was off, and that we revealed too early that the marshmallows are evil. He liked the jokes but said that they should fit more naturally with the story and help to progess it. For example the scene where the marshmallow pees down the drainpipe (which we were unsure about anyway) didn't contribute towards anything, so we decided to remove it. Luis also helped us realise that the marshmallows should help Ande and Mozbie to eat, and do as much as they can to fill them up (before they decide to turn). We've taken that feedback on board and combined it with new vulgar scene ideas we thought of, and now the marshmallows contribute a lot more to the story rather than just be disgusting up until the battle charge.

The talk with Luis Cook really helped us to define the story and our ideas, and his thoughts have helped to make it so much better. After making changes to the animatic (this is now our 7th animatic) we are very happy with it and feel it is the final version, with maybe one or two small tweaks or things added in later on in production.

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