Wednesday 27 October 2010

2D Character Reaction to Noise

For the third task I needed to take what I learned and the techniques I used before with the cube character, and evolve them further. This time it needed to react to a sound off screen. The exact task was:

"Cubey is standing in centre stage
Suddenly s/he hears a noise out of shot
Animate your character reacting to the sound"

But we were not allowed to insert any sound, which I personally think was a good idea as it meant the animation had to be clear enough that you know what the character is reacting from.

 As you can hopefully see, mine is a superhero, who at the very start is shown being cocky, confident and somewhat arrogant. As he reacts to the sound, you can clearly see he jumps in shock and frightment. In the end whatever it was that made the sound (I haven't officially stated what it was, which gives the audience something to think about and give them ideas of their own) was too hard or strong for him, thus he comes flying back and crashes into the ground. I'm fairly happy with the outcome, and I didn't want to spend to much time on details and the drawing (shading etc) because this isn't what the project was about. It's about improving the actual animation and showing the principles of animation.

I am looking forward to further projects, and to further show more performance (emotion) in my animation, which includes;
- Body Language
- Silhouette Technique
- Exaggeration
- Line of Action

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