Tuesday 19 October 2010

Maya Talk

Yesterday was my first proper Maya lesson. It involved animating a ball and using the graph editor to make the bounce more realistic e.g giving the ball a feel of weight when it falls and rises. I actually found the graph editor quite daunting, and I couldn't get to grips with it at all, so I left the lesson unsatisified with what I did. In that lesson I was set the task of animating two balls; one heavy and the other light. So you can imagine I was thinking to myself "That's going to be a difficult task!". But I didn't let that get to me. I set off promising to come in the nest day in the morning and to learn what what to do and how to improve what I did the day before. And thats exactly what I did. Just now actually, before I began to write this! Surprisingly I got the hang of it pretty much straight away, and in the end I created and completed two 3D bouncing balls, both with realistic bounces for the effects of being heavy and light. I'll upload them as soon as I learn how to make them into a movie file and explain in more detail.

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