Thursday 7 October 2010

What got me into Animation!

I was around about 9 or 10 years of age when I became interested in animation, and one of reasons what got me into it was in actual fact the film 'Jurassic Park'. This was one of my favourite films when I was a child, and what fascinated me the most was the CGI dinosaurs in the film and how they were created, because they looked so real, yet I knew they were designed and built from a computer. From then on whenever I watched a film which included CGI or animation, that was what I seemed to focus on the most, and I always enjoyed watching the special features and finding out how they were made and what went in to create them.  I always drew a lot as well, and have pads after pads, sketchbooks after sketchbooks, of just doodles or drawings of mine, mainly of creations which I had thought up in my mind. And I thought to myself; "This is what I want to do. I want to have a career which involves all this stuff I love and want to do. So thats when I sought after becoming an Animator.

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