Thursday 28 October 2010

Mary and Max and Waltz with Bashir

This evening I watched a film called Mary and Max. I really enjoyed it! It's one of the best stop motion films I've seen. The animation was so smooth as well, and really brought the characters to life. I was told before I watched it though that it is meant to be a sad film, and as I quote "make sure you have tissues at the ready!". Now I don't want to spoil anything, but I didn't find the most upsetting scene sad whatsoever. And I think this was because of the music. I just didn't think it portrayed what happened in the scene well enough. This is just my opinion, but for me it's a shame. And music has a big effect in films. But nonetheless, it was a very well made and gripping film.

The week before I watched Waltz with Bashir. Wow! It has to be one of, if not the, best animated film I've ever seen, and certainly one of my favourites. Everything from the amazingly realistic and style of the animation, the colours and lighting, to the storytelling and characters were all just brilliant. I can't fault it! Even the fact that it wasn't in English gave it a certain charm and uniqueness. As I just mentioned, it was the style of the animation that jumped out at me the most, and how it was used. It was visually stunning, and one of my favourite styles of 2D animation.

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