Thursday 11 October 2012

Characters - Creature and Boy

 This is my creature. What's not more badass than a scaled sabre-tooth tiger with a horn and a scorpion tale? Haha. I wanted to go for a little bit of a anime/stylized look, so I haven't gone into much detail such as the feet. But I didn't want him looking like a Pokemon (I hope I haven't!) As you can see below, I tried a couple more different colour variations but I preferred this one the most. He'll be pretty big, about twice the size of a regular sabre-tooth. You won't really see much of him in the film, only glimpses, until right when the boy kills him.

Very rough drawing of the boy, just to give you an idea of what he'll probably look like. Again, I sort of want it to look a little like anime, mainly with the eyes and jawline. I'll upload a better drawing in the future when I have settled on a design.

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