Thursday 25 October 2012

Quick Test Shot - Creature killing Knight with tail

This is a very quick test shot of one of the shots that would be in my film, not necessarily looking like this though. This is where the creature attacks an unwary knight from behind, hiding amongst the bushes (it'd be a dark scene, so the tail won't be as visible and the eyes will light up in the undergrowth) As you can see, I haven't animated the knight whatsoever. I did this on purpose as my main aim was to animate the tail. As I haven't animated something like a tail before, I wanted to give it a try as early as possible. Overall, I think it looks alright. Needs improving quite a bit, not quite snake-like enough for me - needs to be a bit smoother. So some extra frames would sort that out I think. And the location of the tail needs tweaking, but then if it's a dark scene that won't matter as much (I'm talking mostly towards the end when you can see more of the tail) Obviously the Knight will react in the finished shot, his body jolting forwards and his head possibly being ripped off his shoulders (I'm not sure whether to include blood - at the moment I don't think I should). All gory stuff haha

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