Tuesday 30 October 2012

Final Update on Third Year Project

I've finally come to a decision on what I will be doing this year. I've decided to completely drop my story idea, as I didn't think it was developed enough and with the little time that is left, it would have been nearly impossible to turn things around. Which is sad because I did really like my idea and thought there was something great there.

Anyways, I'm now working with Jayce on his project, Candy Island. Here is his blog to see all the work he has done so far:

When we first pitched our ideas a few weeks ago his idea was actually my favourite one. I felt it was something really unique, and it has that randomness and humour that I like. The fact that it was being made in 2D and in a style which I like made me very interested in working with him, so I let him know early that I might like to work on his film (but was concentrating on my idea still, at the time). 

So basically at the moment I'm helping him with the script and storyboarding, trying to finalize the story. The two main characters are finished, and the Marshmallow people (see his blog) are in the process of having final coloured designs. We haven't properly decided yet, but in the production stages I might be the Key Animator (or we'll share it 50/50, having certain scenes/characters to ourselves to keep continuity with the drawings) which is great as that is exactly what I wanted to do. We've also thought about me possibly being the Director, but that has yet to be decided and we'll need to decide on a later date. But having a role like that would be exciting.

So at the moment Candy Island is my main project, working alongside Jayce, but I also hope to possibly work on one or two other projects, probably 2D films, in smaller roles. But that will be decided when I know which films will go through and see what roles people are looking for for their films.

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