Monday 22 October 2012

Update on my Animation Idea 2

I would very much like to continue to work on my idea and to make a film out of it, and I will carry on with designs for the village/characters. But in the meantime I have been asking around to find people to work with on their animations. If my film does fall through then I would like to work with 1-3 groups depending on how much work I have to do. I'm aiming to work with 2D projects, as I would like to do animation using either ToonBoom or Flash as they are software I am comfortable with. I would also like to do any modelling (nothing too complicated though) in Maya if I can, and I am familar with Premiere Pro/After Effects/Soundbooth for anything in Post Production. And if I do join people/groups soon I would like to work on storyboarding and scripts, as I feel they are one of my strong points - and any concept drawings/designs too.

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