Thursday 15 November 2012

Job roles and what needs doing

So we've now got Jack working with us on our film now. He's currently designing the layouts and will also be an inbetween animator. I think we also have Sam on board, who will be animating inbetweens as well. We've asked Kirsty to design the backgrounds using Jack's layouts and our animatic, so hopefully they will be done soon as backgrounds are our main concern right now!

We've also got someone lined up to do the colouring and shading for later in the production stages, but we need to develop a colour pallette for them to work off, and we'd like a concept painter to create the final shot at the end in a very detailed, grotesque manner - similar to the close up shots found in Spongebob Squarepants.

So here are the roles so far (not necessarily finalized)

Director: Me or Jayce                              -
Assistant Director: Me or Jayce              - (these 3 will be finalized asap)
Producer: Me or Jayce                             -
Designer: Jayce
Art Director: Jayce
Layout Artists: Me and Jack
Colour Stylist: TBC
Background Designer/Painter: Kirsty and possibly someone else
Script Writer: Me
Storyboard Artist: Jayce
Storyboard Assistant: Me
Key Animator: Jayce (and possibly me)
Animator: Me
Key clean up Artist: Me
Inbetweeners: Jack and Sam (I need to confirm this)
Editor: Me

And this is what needs to be done

- Create 2 tables, one of the team explaining peoples roles and what they need to do as well as contact details. The other will show deadlines for work each week, with anyone able to edit it showing if they have done it, haven't done it or in the process of doing it using a red, amber, green system (I am doing this now)
- Second draft of the animatic (adding in all the changes I've listed in the post below - this is Jayce's job)
- Test Shots (I'm doing a test shot of Mozbie's walk, trying to get that finalized)
- Concept design of the plane (which I will be doing)
- Update the script (I will do this)
- Complete the layouts (Jack's job)
- Finalize camera angles (my job as well)
- Background designs need to be completed (these haven't been started yet)
- Finalize the colour palette (yet to be done)
- Finalize the music and sound effects (in progress)

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