Sunday 11 November 2012

What work is being done at the moment

Just a post to say what work is currently being done and what needs doing:

- At the moment me and Jayce are trying to finish the animatic for Thursday.

- I have almost finished the final script, it will be completed by tonight.

- I am also working on the sound and determining what sounds we will need and where they will be going in the film. I am half-way through that and again, it will be finished by tonight.

Then tomorrow I can fully concentrate on the animatic.

What needs to be done

- A final storyboard drawn up neatly. We have the finished one already, but I think it will need to be re-drawn quickly. I don't want too much time spent on this as the animatic is much more important, so I might do it on Friday (but will need to discuss it with Jayce first)

- The backgrounds also need to be sorted soon. We're hoping to get someone on board soon.

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