Wednesday 21 November 2012

My Job Roles/Our Progress So Far

 My Job Roles

I am the Producer and Assistant Director of Candy Island, so it is my job to manage people and time. I need to make sure that everyone in the team knows exactly what they are doing, and they stick to any deadlines I give them. I will be the line of communication between everyone, and will have full overview and responsibility for the project from a creative and scheduling perspective.

I will also be an Animator for Candy Island,  as well as the 3D Background Artist (if we do go ahead with that idea, I need to have a meeting with Jayce). In the post stages I have the roles of Compositor (regarding 3D backgrounds) and Editor.


We've just finished the second draft of the animatic, it's looking so much better now. Our main criticisms from the first (not enough going on in the backgrounds, village needing to be populated more, more structure needed and the sense that the marshmallows are preparing to kill Ande and Mzbie) have been fixed. There is definitely more of a story now, but we've still kept the whackiness and weirdness from before. We still want to stick by our guns and make something unique and strange, not sticking too much to the guidelines of a typical slapstick animation, but felt that some changes were definitely needed.

We have to show the animatic tomorrow, so at the moment we can't really do a great deal until we get feedback. I'm very pleased with the animatic, although I think that we need more chocolate on the floor in the end shots.

Things to do by next Friday as it's the sweatbox hand-in (the things in bold orange are what I need to do):

- Add more chocolate in the last few shots of the animatic
- Make any other changes in the animatic (if necessary)
- Edit the script and make it final (once we've settled on the animatic)
- Animation tests of shots we are using (I will be animating Mozbie's walk soon)
- Concept drawing of the plane
- Character Turnarounds
- Finalize the sound so we know exactly what we're using for music and effects
- Any other final designs to add to the sweatbox (if necessary)

(These don't need to be done for next week but we can start on them)

- Tests of the 3D backgrounds (if we do decide on this)
- Possibly a final render of a small shot with completed animation and backgrounds (just so we can see the exact look we're going for)

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