Wednesday 14 November 2012


In order


- Ande rising (slide whistle
- Mozbie rising (slide whistle
- Stomach growl (car splutter, dying engine
- Ande squinting (telescope, eagle?
- Ande surprise
- Baby marsh skip [something cuter than squeaky dog, or just a higher pitch? Chipmunk-ish]
- Baby marsh skip noise (high pitch whoosh)
- Baby marsh turning around? (quick whoosh, the noise those watches make with the rotating dial thing on the outside)
- Ande angry (dog growl
- Mozbie confused (phone noise you mentioned
- Ande/Mozbie run (bullet firing, car engine
- Volcano straining
- Volcano fart
- Screeching halt (car braking
- ooooo/aaaaaa sparkly noise [reveal noise when looking at village] (wand sparkle
- Butler jump (another whoosh?
- Gesture noise? [suave]
- Manic run/noise [zombie/crazy noise]
- Ripping off door
- Gulping
- Pop back to normal shape [stretching pop noise]
- Slurp
- Stretch bottle
- Chew
- Burp [animal noise]
- Patting lips
- Whistle
- Slide (finger running on glass,
- Lick
- Shivering
- Excitement (camera shutter,
- Jump [kangeroo 'boing' jump]
- Balloon/bubble noise
- Battle cry/ Screaming noise
- When marshmallow jumps and swears
- Piercing noise
- Balloon burst
- Marshmallow skewer
- Flop noise
- Hot choc splash
- Scraping
- Eruption (flushing toilet,
- Content
- Falling/whooshing noise
- Drop noise
- Rolling/pleasure
- Sigh of relief
- Thrown in fire noise? (sheep, mama
- Scared (whimpering dog, baby mobile (in cots)
- Confused
- Marshmallow walk (squeaky dog toy
- Carrying A/M on poles (ruler flapping,

Other sound effects we could use: Donkey, Elephant, Pig squeel, Smashing glass/crockery, boxing bell ring (just before marshmallows charge?) fart noise, flipping coin

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