Sunday 11 November 2012

Pitch Presentation (and outcome)

I should probably post about this! I guess I've been so busy trying to prepare for the pitch I forgot all about blogging. Must make sure to post more!

So yeah, this Thursday just gone we had to pitch our film projects to 3 judges, who were Erica Darby, Dave Unwin and Jacky Priddle. This was a really great experience, both in general and for any future pitches I might have to make for other people. Now, I'm not going to hide it - I had been dreading that day for 2 years, when I watched the third years pitch their films when I was back in the first year. I get nervous standing in front of people, even my own year! Even though I've known them for 2 years. Oddly enough though, I wasn't at all nervous on Thursday. In fact I was excited, and I really thoroughly enjoyed it. And there must have been around 60-80 people in that room, give or take. I'm an odd one haha.

The pitch itself went really well I think. I presented myself well, spoke well and said/showed enough in the presentation, alongside Jayce of course. We even gave out marshmallows to the judges and our lecturers at the front! The judges seemed to like our idea, and obviously they had a few things to say afterwards. I think it was Jacky who asked why not make it in 3D, but we argued that we want it very slapstick, lots of stretch and squash techniques such as Ed, Edd 'n' Eddy. It just wouldn't fit with what we're going for. And Dave was unsure about the volcano and whether it should be in there at all, as the story didn't seem to need it. But we said that we wanted the audience to think that Ande and Mozbie are going to survive at the end, but they are killed and eaten anyway. It does add to the story. Other than that our pitch received a good reception, and I am very happy with how it went. If I could do it all again, the only thing I would change would be for me to say more of the story and what happens - as perhaps I didn't say enough in that area.

On the Friday we found out if our films were chosen to go through to the animatic stage, by either being green (yes), amber (maybe) and red (no). There were also a few green ambers and red ambers. We got amber, which meant that we needed to do some more work in order to progress to green. So our lecturers told us to make an animatic by next Thursday (this one coming). They said our film has really great potential to be very funny, but they wanted to see how it will be. Which is completely fair, as I don't think we got across in the pitch our ideas for the funny scenes and I don't think any of our lecturers have seen our final storyboard! So at the moment we are making a first draft animatic, and if they like it and think it will be successful then they will greenlight us.

There were 19 film pitches overall, and only 4 of them were greenlit, which I was very surprised about. Most were given amber, including me of course, so there quite a few films which still need work! But I'm really hoping ours will go through, as I'm really passionate about it and I do really think it can be really great. I will just have to see anyway. I've just got to work as best I can and see what happens.

Anyway, here is the pitch presentation that we showed on Thursday. Most of this was made by Jayce, purely because we agreed he would do more pre-production work whilst I am doing all the post-production.

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