Monday 26 November 2012

Marshmallow run test

Just a test for the charge scene. Not necessarily the final animation, but I just wanted to experiment. I want the run to be quite cute, with a little hop in it. Because a running marshmallow, albeit with a spear, isn't very deadly. And whilst they are evil little beings, they're still cute. So I wanted to incorporate that in their run.

I think it looks okay, I can certainly experiment more with speed and smoothness, maybe add more of a squish into the run. But it's probably the general jist of what I will go for.

Here is what I'm hoping is an improved walk. It's shorter because I removed a section of the previous walk, but basically I moved the marshmallow further right for each frame, and also removed a few inbetween frames to make it look more like a run, rather than before where to me it looked like side steps.

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